Das Echo Hettl
Autor: Matthias Hettl
Autor: Hettl Consult
25. September 2024
Das Echo Hettl
Autor: Matthias Hettl
Autor: Hettl Consult
25. September 2024

The Echo

The Echo – A father was walking in the mountains with his young son. On a rocky path, the son falls to the ground and shouts loudly, “Ouch!!” To his surprise, he then hears another voice from somewhere in the mountains replying, “Ouch!!” Somewhat puzzled, he shouts, “Who are you?” and again receives an answer: “Who are you?” Then he calls into the mountains, “I admire you!” And the voice replies, “I admire you!”

What is it – the Echo

He looks over to his father and asks, “What is that?” The father just smiles and says to him, “One moment, my boy.” Then the father shouts, “You are the greatest!” The voice replies, “You are the greatest!” The boy is surprised but doesn’t understand what’s happening.

Then the father explains to him, “People call it an echo, but in reality, it is the mirror of life. It gives you back everything you say or do. For our life is the mirror of our actions. If you want more peace in the world, then create more peace in your heart. And do something about it yourself. This applies to everything and every area of life. Life gives you back everything you have given to it. Your life is not a coincidence. It is a reflection of yourself!” (adapted from Gerd Gusenbauer)


Matthias Hettl is known as an international management consultant. He trains and coaches board members, executives, and leaders. He has also held a professorship in management and has extensive leadership expertise. He has experience as a supervisory board member, CEO, and internationally as a consultant for the United Nations. As a renowned management and leadership expert, he is a sought-after speaker.

For more information visit: Hettl Consult

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